
It’s all so simple!

One had to admit

To be fair, one had to admit that after fifteen cans of Red Bull, Vladimir had managed to explain to us how each and every 3rd edition feat ever published by anyone made up the very bedrock upon which stood the legitimacy of the entire edition.

Dear Sir,

Lady Sendra Collmon Kinsington, heir to the Kinsington estate, current high cleric of Tamrit and a woman well-known for having an extremely short temper would like to have a word with you concerning your use of the “enlarge” spell at this past evenings Royal Dress Ball.

Didn’t you get the memo?


Strahd thought he could always escape any persistent adventurers simply by using his bat form. He was right.

Unfortunately, his new kitty named Shadow missed a memo.

Steve finally decided to do something about those stray cats in his yard

(This freakin’ thing is real and I want one!)




The Sundering

Brundar the Barbarian and his sidekick Ishtik the elf were not sure just what “The Sundering” was going to do to the Forgotten Realms in D&D Next but after  having been affected by it, they decided they probably were not going to like it all that much.

Halfling sailor Lem Shuffleshoes has heard some scuttlebutt at the last port sayin’ that there will be GUNS in 5th edition. Lem Shuffleshoes plans to be ready.

It took quite a while for James the Butler to become comfortable working for a wizard and twice as long to get used to his new employers’ sense of humor.

Uh… guys?

Alas, to the dismay of the unfortunate pack of were-leopards, only Billy made his Perception roll.

Still waiting

After perusing the rules for 3rd edition, Dave decided that he would just have to delay the start of his campaign until they brought back THACO

One of the nice things about writing a blog that no one reads is that I am able to go on rants occasionally. This time, however, I need not express my rantmania, as Monte Cook calmly expressed what has bothered me for a while.

Monte Cook (if you don’t know who Monte Cook is, you are reading the wrong blog) expressed this in a recent interview and it reminded me why I bear a grudge against Hasbro/WOC. I even consider myself a D&D fan-boy (and am looking forward to 5e) but what they did in introducing 4e; that is to say the manner in which they behaved towards their then-current fan-base was reprehensible.

Anyway, this is what Monte said, emphasis mine.

“What surprises me most about players today is not their different tastes, but their unwillingness to accept that someone else’s tastes are as valid as their own. I blame Internet cranks for that mentality, and I blame game company spokesmen who have encouraged it in the belief that it would help them sell games. It’s the very people who must now solve the problem of a very fractured marketplace who fractured it in the first place.”


Sing it, brother!

My comfort comes with knowing that most of those guys got canned. I wish them well, but I wish for them to do well outside of the gaming industry.

Yeah, I can hold a good grudge.